Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My thoughts on Daily Practice

What do you know it's already march.

Firstly I would like to say that I missss my YG! I miss doing yoga online with wonderful teachers and awesome sequence. Cant wait to get my internet at home.

Great update: I have started my daily ashtanga practice since 27 January. I guess Nike really tells it as it is: Just Do It! I have been mulling about starting a daily ashtanga practice but so many reasons and excuses cropped up; shoulder injury, repetition injuries, no progression, more injuries. I am just afraid of injuries.

But when work hauled me off to Turkmenistan where globalization has yet to hit, I found myself not having the Internet as a source of my yoga sessions. As horrifying and bad as it sounds, it forced me to replace my Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays vinyasa sessions to ashtanga. Hence, daily practice.

It is crazy, and somewhat less of a big deal as my mind made it to be. It's just, after all, a yoga practice. I find that if I focus on the breathing the time flew by. But that doesn't mean it came easy. Every single morning at 510am I find myself wondering if I could simply finish the full primary. Sometimes I get discouraged halfway - what... only in Janu sirsasana? still a long way to go - but I forced my thoughts out of my head and just, do it, like a robot.

Physically, what has improved? You'll love my answer: Bhujapidasana!

I could now drop on my forehead and slip my feet through without 'walking' them on the floor... and lift myself up again easily! It is so smooth that I have forgotten how HARD it was for me to GET it. Just as I can't remember how it was for me to learn to drop my heels after Supta Konasana.

UHP used to be so good in Turkmenistan but back home I am struggling with the left standing side. I am thinking maybe it is the dark dim room (I practice with no lights on, only the hallway light) that affects my balance, but it is a good practice nevertheless.

Non Ashtanga related:

Wonderful backbends: can do eka pada raja kapotasana with my hands grasping my foot and my foot touching my head. My fingers now touch the floor when I do Wild Thing. Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana is wonderful as always.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lovely practice today: A flow of inversion holds.

 Kathryn B never disappoints. She had us go through a series of strengthening flow - downward dog plank chaturanga plank chaturanga plank and downward dog - throwing in bakasana, handstand hops and dolphin in between. The real treat comes in 1 minute inversion holds - 1 minute in headstand, 1 minute in forearm stand, and 1 minute in handstand. I managed to balance with just my knees close to my body for headstand, working on the shoulder and core balance. Although I should practice keeping the knees stacked on my hips instead of towards my chest. I managed to hold for forearm stand in 1 minute, but for handstand I was already tired. Came down halfway.

 I am currently obsessed with handstand hops.


A new breakthrough in my primary series practice: improved jump back.

It happened to suddenly. I can't remember whether it was the Monday practice or today, but I managed to lift up and swing my legs through. I used to not be able to do that. I am right now recalling what I used to do, but I can't. because the swinging back feels natural. I think I used to lift and somewhat scuffle back.

Although I am able to swing, I still don't have the strength to shoot my legs back, probably because I have no strength to lower my body after I swung my legs through. This morning, I tried it throughout the practice and I did all of the jump back effortlessly, just lift and swing, nothing heavy, nothing resisting. Its just amazing. I was amazed, and just wow.

My handstand hops are still horrible. Hips still not moving over shoulders. I think 90% of it is the fear. Sometimes I get it, and it feel wonderful the flight. But today I did not.

I held a half sirsasana, not pushing to keep my legs straight. it felt good , minimal weight on head, shoulders strong and engaged. My neck's not feeling too chuffed and I wonder if it's due to sirsasana or the Urdvha Dhanurasana I have been practicing, putting my head on the floor before I lift up.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Leaving Out Poses

I notice that there is a pattern of poses I tend to forget and leave out while practicing:

 In Standing postures it would always be Utthita Parsvottanasana.
 In Seated postures they would be Parsvottanasana, Navasana, and today, the last three sequence.

 I do not know why these postures always get squeezed out from the practice list. Maybe I was doing it not in a mindful way. Like today after a good inversion exercise I laid in a variation of child pose for a while, got up feeling very wrung out and energized at the same time, and had a mental dialogue something like this:

 Ok sirsasana done. What a relief, oh I feel good, drained, but good. What else should I do? anything else after this? Savasana right? because I derserve this, don't I? Oh yes... *lies down*

I really should train my mind to stay focused even after an intense practice.

Anyways, worked my arms bad for Urdvha D this morning. Felt the side, muscle, the teres minor and major, stretch somewhat tickling and prickling in intensity. Love it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Reflections

My yoga journey thus far has been such a great great help in my life. I went through very difficult times emotionally and mentally with the help - the discipline - of yoga alone. Last month, ashtanga has ceased to be somewhat a foreboding experience, in fact, if I approach it as a breathing exercise the poses just flew by quickly. I also began to enjoy surya namaskar because I am working on my jumping. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. Today, I got it on the last try, the hip over wrists, balancing for milisecond.

I have been practicing Ashtanga for 14 months.

Here I wrote last January:

I've told you that my target list for 2012 is to:

1) master Jump Throughs and Jump Backs
2) Do a good Setu Bhandasana and Wheel Pose
3) Half Moon Pose
4) Try a Mysore class

So what happened here?

1) I have yet to 'master' them but I have somewhat a unique way of doing the jump through and jump back. My jump back, on good days after bandha konasana, I could swing through, but could not till chaturanga yet. My jump throughs are better, I could easily swing through, although right now I am practicing lifting my legs up and putting them down with control. Control is key.

2) I have decided to let go of Setu Bandhasana due to my neck injury. Attempted it again in November after feeling that my neck could take it, but just one try and I felt the repercussion all the way down to my left fingers. I am okay with a normal bridge. If I am feeling adventurous then I'd do a dwi pada viparita dandasana. Urdhva D is now my favorite! I love it. Could do 5 breaths 5 times. And currently working on walking my hands towards my ankles. It's simply simply amazing how this was the bane of my practice with the pain - it was a teeth grinding pain really - and now it feels wonderful, open, and intense (of course, its a serious backbend, you've still got to feel it!)

3) Half Moon Pose - forever a favorite pose. I could do it now, and currently working on doing it without my hand supporting me. 

4) Oh Mysore style class. I started with Ganesh's class. Then it was with Liz, then went to London and did it with Sarai, then Laruga and Kiri. As much as I love Mysore style class I also LOOOOOVE home practice where I don't have to worry about my body odor, or being distracted in UHP or my ego getting in the way. As much as that is a good practice to  strengthen my mind, I could sharpen it with once in a while classes.

What are the other benefits of practicing yoga?

1) Nailed Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana. One of my favorites. I saw it first on Kathryn B, and I was intrigued with the degree of chest openess it requires. I worked so much at it, daily with a block, and once my Urdvha D got stronger I find it is effortless to drop into Dwi Pada. It's a goooood thoracic opener.

2) Nailed handstand and pincha on the wall. Slowly working on my strength, building the hold to more than 10 seconds. I have yet to consider trying to balance. My left shoulder is still refusing to open effortlessly, I still need to do stretches to make it feel good. 

3) Because I have been working on Dolphin and Pincha a lot, I could do a salamba sirsasana without wall assistance now, and FEEL the difference. Before, I did not even feel my shoulders. Now, I could feel it strong, engaged, steady, allowing my neck to breathe. In fact, my head barely takes the weight, whereas before I could feel the whole bodyweight pushing into my head. I only would do this in short spurts, just to strengthen my core so that I could learn to balance in pincha without a wall.

4) Chaturanga feels better - no pain on front of shoulders. I continously work on this, being mindful every time I drop down, making sure my alignment is correct.

5) Uttrasana feel great, can bend backwards now without support from my hands on the back of my thighs. PRACTICE!

6) Parsva Bakasana - can hold it for a few seconds now, without my butt resting on the shelf of my elbows.

Firelog pose still is hard to do, the funny thing is I can't figure out why, and which part needs work. I still can't do the full Bhujapidasana, nevermind the vinyasa. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Urdvha Dhanurasana progress

I made a good choice resting my body last night. I do not know why, but I felt like I needed to not do anything. Yesterday's morning I took it easy with a slow yin class, nearly falling asleep (and did, from savasana until forever) because I was tired. That was my only workout.

 This morning, refreshed from a good rest, went for my ashtanga. It was more or less a good practice, with 50% concentration on the breath. Lost it halfway due to company of M, who came in while I was halfway through my first series. We talked on and off.

 When I did my urdvha though, I managed to hold for 5 breaths all five times, even walking my hands closer to my feet. But M told me she saw that I've been keeping all my weight to my upper body, and nothing on my legs. They were straight, bearing no weight. So with her guidance she made me grip her leg placed in between mine while I was in wheel, and that made all the difference. The first time though when she pulled me forward to transfer the weight to my legs, I couldn't tell which way was which. It was that disorientating. I would use this helpful tool to work the legs even more. Put a block in between and then learn to engage the quads. I cannot believe the progress I have made in my urdvha D. It took me a year to finally feel pain free, thanks to tips from Noah M and other wonderful teachers. It is all about patience and practice. I realized now that I love the journey and work put in the practice that I don't even mind not nailing it. Because after hard work getting it just feels amazing.

 No progress on Bhuja. Forget about the vinyasa. But well, its all about the practice!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Reflection of a yogi

I havent been updating. But thats because I was having a ball of time, loving my practice. It's been a steady 3x per week of ashtanga, with vinyasa tuesdays and thursdays, and weekends are for backbends and arm balances.

 What I learned: When you let go of expectations, and just enjoy practising for what it is a clarity for the body and mind. I tried to focus on my breath more, just inhaling exhaling, feeling good and sometimes feeling nothing at all, just awareness of my body, my legs engagement, shoulder engagement.

 Arm balances class saturday was really sweet. Pretty easy, with vashistasana variations (of which all 4 I could do) bakasana, prasva bakasana, titibhasana and bhujapidasana. I find that the more I get rid of my expectations or frustrations of wanting to nail a pose, I find a peace within the practice that is waaay better than nailing a pose. My neck injury taught me this. In a way, that injury was sort of a gift. A gift to realign my mindset of how I approach yoga.

 No technical updates here, just what I've been thinking about.